Reuben McCartney (aged 19 years) was selected for this year’s Rotary Club of Belfast-Kaiapoi Young Totara Award.
Since 2007, when Reuben joined the Sea Cadet Force at T.S. Steadfast, he has continuously won awards for being the best cadet in the country in different categories. Reuben was selected to represent New Zealand in a joint exercise of international sea cadet held in Singapore during 2011. Having recently left school, he is now applying for full-time employment with the Royal New Zealand Navy.
At the Belfast-Kaiapoi Rotary Club’s weekly meeting, at which Ruben and his mother were guests, he received his award certificate and pin. Reuben thanked the club for selecting him to be the recipient of the award.
The Belfast-Kaiapoi Club has been making Young Totara Awards annually since 1992 to recognise significant contributions to the life and wellbeing of the community. In selecting awardees, consideration is given to choosing a person who would be sound role models for others to emulate, particularly those who show the qualities of innovative thinking, good leadership, and planning. Maori culture likens its leaders to the mighty Totara tree. Hence each year, the chosen recipient plants a Totara tree in a special dedicated area in the Styx Mill Reserve in Husseys Road.