Rotary New Zealand World
Community Service Ltd (RNZWCS) is NZ Rotarians acting globally.
RNZWCS has established links with MORDI
Tonga Trust. MORDI stands for Mainstreaming of Rural Development Innovations
Tonga Trust, and their motto is “Enable rural isolated communities to fight
against poverty”. They work with poor, isolated, rural people to enable them to
increase their incomes and determine the direction of their own development. Since
2007, MORDI Tonga Trust has invested more than TOP$3.3 million (approximately
NZ$2 million) in funding projects and conducted training in 42 isolated
communities in Tonga, improving the prospects of more than 629 households to
fight against poverty, and giving communities a chance at a better life.
Through the NZ Government’s Disaster
Response Partnership programme, RNZWCS received a $125,000 grant towards
re-establishing the livelihoods of up to 431 households affected by Cyclone Ian
in January 2014. This amount was bolstered by a further $30,000 from donations
received from Rotary clubs and the New Zealand public.
After consultation with government
agencies, a design for vegetable nurseries was produced. Such nurseries
contribute to sustainable development as natural disasters and climate change
threaten Tongan communities. The project goal is rehabilitating the
agricultural sector with vegetable nurseries to enhance food security. At the
outset, the project encouraged small holders to enhance their agricultural
livelihoods. The project involves construction of cyclone-proof nursery sheds,
distribution of tools for planting and continued maintenance, along with
vegetable seedlings. Tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, chili, broccoli and other
vegetables are now being harvested. RNZWCS
contributed 68% of the total of TOP $320,550 (approximately NZ$ 197,800) for
this successful project.
The project was recommended and
endorsed by the Tongan Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Forests and Fisheries
and implemented by Rotary’s partner MORDI Tonga Trust, which is endorsed by the
Rotary Club of Nuku’alofa, Tonga, and supported by RNZWCS who provide
Website for more information: