District Governor Ron Seeto welcomed 21 new Highbrook Rotarians
into the first new Rotary club formed in central, east and south Auckland for nine
years, with the challenge to “take risks rather than limit your vision, think
globally, cultivate empathy, and stay amazed at what can be achieved through
Rotary International”.
DG Ron Seeto presenting the framed Charter
to new Highbrook
President Richard Myhre.
DG’s Special Representative Ken Holmes, who is a Pakuranga
Past President, led the establishment of the new Rotary club centred on the new
108 hectare Highbrook industrial park.
He introduced the new members with a reminder of the important Rotary
emphasis on ethics and integrity in behaviour and activities, and each new
Rotarian was given a framed Four-Way Test.
The Highbrook Rotary Club has already completed one service
project assisting Habitat for Humanity on the upgrade of a local property. Charter President Richard Myhre is very
optimistic for further membership growth of Highbrook Rotary, considering the
values of fellowship, vocational networking and good humanitarian contribution
that can be achieved by further motivating businesses located in and around
One additional highlight arranged by Pakuranga was a live
Skype meeting with the 100th President of the Rotary Club of
Edinburgh in Scotland, who welcomed Highbrook’s Richard into the international
fraternity of 2012-13 Rotary Club Presidents.
New Highbrook Rotarians celebrating their charter occasion with 9920 DG Ron Seeto and Sharon. |
The charter proceedings concluded with official recognition
from Past Rotary International President Bill Boyd, who emphasised the on-going
service vision of Rotary that should take its own local shape in each unique
This is the second new club extension project fostered by
Pakuranga Rotary in its 43 year history, and both were headed by Ken. In this case, Pakuranga incorporated the
charter at their own club’s Christmas function, which was also attended by partners
and many visiting Rotarians.
The Rotary Club of Highbrook meets over breakfast on Tuesdays from 7:00am for 7:15 am to 8.30am at the RSM Prince boardroom at 86 Highbrook Drive.
Website: www.highbrook.rotarysouthpacific.org