Thursday, 24 April 2014

East Coast Bays, IYE and the Tongariro Alpine Crossing

On the 20th of February an intrepid crew of IYE students  from Finland , Austria ,Chile , Germany France, Argentina and a record number of Rotarian’s including DG Phil Ashton took on the Tongariro Crossing.

As in past years the Friday was spent testing out the slopes of Ruapehu in readiness for the big tramp the next day. Fine weather greeted us in National park and team of 15 struck out for the crater lake. Like in the past years the views were spectacular and the main problem encountered was making your water last. A dip at the hot pools at Taurangi eased the aching muscles. Saturday was not quite as nice as the gentle breeze ground up but the cloud cleared at the red crater and the emerald lakes to see what we had come to see and the rain kept away.

Superb food was supplied by our volunteers. Stephen Wheeler for his Lasagna of which he is making a name for himself and his work mates with some awesome home baking. A great weekend with a great bunch of Students and Rotarians in a stunning part of the country.
Attendees were – IYE – Emilia-Finland, Amir-Austria, Claire -France, Chiara Germany, Tomi – Argentina, Daniella- Chile

Rotarians – Stephen Wheeler, Monica Webb, Sean Harris , Steve Goeldner, Peter Garnett, Phil Ashton, Vivienne Rowell and friends Debs, Brigitte and Fiona.

More pictures here

Article thanks to the District 9910 Newsletter April 2014