Thursday, 3 April 2014

Solomons Disaster

Rotary in the Solomon Islands have requested help from New Zealand Rotarians
as they respond to the devastating floods of the past 24 hours.

Emergency non food items are desperately needed including shelter (tents)
and other basics for the many thousands who have lost everything after their
homes were swept away.

Rotary New Zealand have tents and emergency response kits on standy by and
have been advised by Rotary in the capital Honiara that a call from the
Solomon Island's National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) is likely to
made following a state of emergency being called.

"Rotary is most often one of the first cabs off the rank in emergencies like
this" spokesperson Stuart Batty said. Working with local NDMO, they are able
to arrange through their own volunteers and supporters network an immediate
response. Rotary New Zealand through their website appeal for cash donations
to support the victims of this disaster.

About Rotary New Zealand
Rotary New Zealand (RNZWCS Limited) was registered on 11 December 2003 as a
limited liability company to foster confidence with all stakeholders by
governing its relationships and giving a clearer picture of its professional
approach. With the establishment of a formal Non Governmental Organisation
entity, it was granted full membership by the Council for International
Development in 2004 and is a member of the NGO Disaster Relief Forum. It has
Inland Revenue Charitable Status including Donee Status under Schedule 32 of
the Income Tax Act.

More information: