Standing (left to right): DG Brian Tuck, Merv Brown President Felicity Anderson and Albert Birss(seated) Brian Kissin and Eric Grainger |
The “Fab Four” as they have been dubbed by their peers, are members of the Rotary Club of Takapuna in Auckland , part of District 9910.
Now in their ‘90s, they have still been doing as much as they can and attending meetings when able.
To acknowledge their years of work, the four men were recently each presented with a unique and special commendation letter from the Rotary International President Kalyan Banerjee and New Zealand ’s own past RI President and now Rotary Foundation Chairman Bill Boyd.
Rotary Club of Takapuna President Felicity Anderson says it is special for any club to have people like Albert, Merv, Eric and Brian, let alone have one person dedicate so many years to voluntary work.