Sunday, 16 March 2014

Large sum invested for local disadvantaged people

In 2006, Rotarian Rod Lingard and Carol of Raumati Beach in NZ along with four other residents founded ‘The Kapiti Community Enterprises Trust’, the purpose of which was to provide opportunities for people with mental health and developmental disabilities to have training for future employment.
$170,000 is presented by Rod Lingard of the Kapiti Community Enterprises Trust
to Liz Koh, Trustee of the Nikau Foundation.
In consultation with Dr Frances Hughes, who is a well-known psychiatric professional, and now an associate professor at Auckland and Sydney universities, the Lingards created a plan to assist the needs of local Kapiti disadvantaged people.
A block of poorly drained land on Poplar Avenue was leased. The Rotary Club of Kapiti provided the initial seed capital for the erection of a potting shed and shade house to grow native plants for sale.
Arrangements were made for the project participants to study horticulture to Level 2 NZ Qualifications Authority (NZQA) standards. Rod also augmented his chartered accountant qualification with a qualification in horticulture, and secured a contract to supply plants to the Kapiti Coast District Council and Lower Hutt City Council, both of whom were most helpful from the outset, along with local restoration groups.
A further major step was developing a relationship with the locally owned and operated Mitre 10 Mega Kapiti store, whose garden department has purchased stock for re-sale in their store. The Managing Director of Mitre 10 Vince Indo has also become a Trustee, so he works alongside Rod.
The acquired land on Poplar Avenue was gradually improved through landfill from local contractors. A grant from the Lotteries Board allowed for the building of staff facilities and the nursery growing area. A large vegetable garden was planted in addition to the native plant operation. Vegetables and potatoes were donated by the Trust to the Kapiti Foodbank and other worthy causes.
The trainees who worked on the property were paid the full adult rate. They required constant supervision, including learning techniques and safe working practices. The preparation of personal CVs and the understanding of job descriptions was also a syllabus item. New recruits were brought into the system on the understanding that they could be employed for six months, and then the Trust with the assistance of Work and Income NZ (WINZ) and Workbridge assisted them in seeking permanent employment.
“While the task of educating and supervising the trainees has been difficult and demanding at times, we have been excited and very pleased with the results that have been accomplished,” commented Rod. “Most of the recruits to our staff have been relocated into full-time or part-time employment elsewhere, with one now being in business and another in full-time employment looking to buy a home”, he added.
This very successful and notable local project has necessarily come to an end due various factors beyond the control of the Trust. Through the prudent financial management of the Trust’s activities, a substantial sum of cash has been accumulated. Following long and careful deliberation, it was decided that the work of the Trust should be perpetuated through the distribution of investment returns to aid people with mental health and developmental disabilities in the Kapiti District. The selected investment vehicle is the Nikau Foundation who have agreed to the establishment of ‘The Kapiti Community Enterprises Endowment Fund’.
At a recent meeting of the Rotary Club of Kapiti, Rod Lingard presented a cheque for $170,000 to Liz Koh who is a Trustee of the Nikau Foundation, and Rotary Club of Kapiti President Elect.
“This is the largest single sum placed with the Nikau Foundation from the Kapiti District, and the objects and requirements of the Kapiti Community Enterprises Trust will be carried out for the benefit of local disadvantaged people. We at the Foundation are indeed honoured to have been selected as the managers of a fund with such worthy objectives,” emphasised Liz.

- Graeme Barrell, Director, Communications, Rotary Club of Kapiti